When I was about 13, I started dealing with cystic acne- large, lumpy blemishes that could be the size of a quarter and take weeks to heal. My mom told me that this was part of being a teenager and it would probably clear once I reached adulthood. However, I graduated high school and then college, and my skin only seemed to get worse. No remedy -storebought, homemade, or purchased from a fancy infomercial- seemed to help.
Finally, when I was 23, my Amway upline, Erin, performed an Artistry Skincare Analysis on me and informed me that my skin was dry- like, really, really dry. I was shocked- I had dry skin as a child, but wasn't all acne caused by excessive oil in the skin? No, explained Erin, dry skin could be just as much of a culprit as oily skin when it came to acne, and could be the cause of other issues as well: itchiness and stretch marks to name a few. Erin helped me switch to the Artistry Essentials Hydrating skin care system, and also encouraged me to use the Artistry Moisturizing Masque once a week. This isn't the only step I've taken towards treating my acne (more blogs on that to follow, I promise!) but it was a major step! For the first time in ten years, I knew what it felt like to NOT have huge, painful lumps on my face and body!
On top of my face-cleansing routine, there have been multiple steps I have taken to help deal with my dry skin. I am currently a graduate student at the University of Minnesota, which means I must make a 20-minute one-way walk to my classes each day with icy winds blowing over me and sucking the moisture right out of my skin, and then sit in my classrooms or on-campus apartment with old-school heating systems that pump hot, dry air into the room. Here are the steps I take to minimize the effects of dry skin:
1. HYDRATION!!! Drinking enough fluids is vital to maintaining healthy skin. Fitness experts will tell you that the important thing is to drink 64 oz. of SOME TYPE OF FLUID, and this is true- if you can't stand the taste of water or for some reason can't drink it, drink some other fluid- milk, juice, soda, coffee, wine. Even if the fluid is a diuretic, it will still hydrate you far better than going without any fluids! That being said, WATER raises your metabolism and flushes out toxins, and is probably much easier on your budget! Add a few drops of lemon juice or a slice of cucumber if the flavor really bothers you.
2. Dry Brushing: Purchase a natural-fiber brush from a drugstore or health/beauty store and rub it over your skin in a circular motion to exfoliate dead skin cells and improve circulation. Start at your feet or hands and work inwards towards your heart. Just do it lightly- your skin shouldn't turn red or start to burn!
3. Go easy on showering: Go ahead and call me disgusting, but you do NOT need to shower everyday, especially if you have dry skin! Every other day (or even every three days, if your skin is really dry) is fine- no one will notice! If you find you absolutely need to rinse off after sweating or being in a stinky atmosphere, just rinse off using water and skip the soap! Your skin and hair may go through a bit of an adjustment period if you're used to showering daily, but they will thank you in the end! When you do shower, keep it quick and avoid overly-hot water, which will send your natural skin-oils right down the drain!
4. Avoid harsh soaps and cleansers: Soaps designed for oily skin, soaps with lots of fragrances or other chemicals, and even cheap or overly-scented moisturizers are all bad news for dry skin. The chemicals will strip your skin of precious natural oils. Cheap mosturizers will leave your skin feeling moist for a few minutes, but will eventually pull more natural oils out of your skin and leave it drier. Gentle soaps and moisturizers, such as Dove, Burts Bee's, or Aveeno are better fit for dry skin- or, if your dry skin is extreme, your doctor may be able to recommend something stronger. I actually started using olive oil as a moisturizer just recently and love it- my skin soaks it right up and it doesn't clog pores or cause breakouts!
5. Moisturize Immediately! After showering, before toweling off, apply moisturizer to your wet skin and rub it in well. Your pores will be open from the shower and the lotion will seal in extra water, making your skin extra-hydrated!
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